The new bedding came, as you can see. I think it works really well with the pillows I already had. I did buy new sheets and a bedskirt though.

I love this little dog print I found at my favorite antique store, Southern Crossing. In fact, I love just about anything if dogs are involved.

I still have a little work to do on the vanity... its not quite girly enough yet. Suggestions?

This corner is lookin' a little rough, I think. What can I do to spice it up? I have this white, Dorothy Draper-esque mirror that I could hang behind the lamp, but I'm not sure how I feel about mirrors being hung in places they can't actually be used. Someone give me some feedback!

The curtains hanging now are just pieces of fabric on one of those cheap, adjustable plastic rods that the tenants before me had left (I'm assuming!). I was thinking I'd stick with the white, but just get something more sturdy. Although, I do like bamboo blinds...
So there you have it, the first pictures of my put-together bedroom. I'm currently working on the kitchen. Its taking me a while because my idea to put the fridge in the pantry fell through, and once I have my heart set on something I have a hard time letting go... those who know me can attest to this.
Thats all for now... I may have another post this afternoon.
a few things.
1. you were missed
2. your bed stuff is looking good.
3. as cool as that picture is of the irish setter, we both know it be cooler if it was a basset.
4. when it comes to your vanity, cant say ive got many ideas. actually, thats probably not true. but with my track record of "favorite" movies [and you know what im talking about] giving advice on ways to spice up your vanity might be dangerous on my manliness. and at 5'8" and 130 pounds and still no chest hair, my manliness is fragile as it is.
but, everything is looking good. as much as you might want that dove picture, which i do have by the way, i just havent matted it, do you think it would fit in your place. you can be honest if you dont think it would.
you take care and ill be talking to you.
well chris, first of all, it makes me super happy to hear that the dove picture is in the works...But I see where you may think it might not work with my stuff. You need to see my living room and 2nd bedroom. every girly/pink/white/sparkly item that i own is in my bedroom. everything else is much, much less frou-frou. I think the dove picture would definitely work... look atthis photo of my living room furniture, and then tell me what you think.
Also, thank you for the input! You're right about the dog picture... the day that i spot any basset art though, i'm purchasing it right away and its going in the mail.... to you. i might need your address, haha.
I want to hear your vanity ideas!!! Please, please, please! I think you are completely safe sacrificing your manliness for the sake of my blog.. for a couple reasons: a) no one reads this who would know you (much less anyone at all!), and b) i think as far as i'm concerned, any hint of masculinity that you could have displayed over the years has been completely countered by our first few days of knowing each other... (coughWhereTheRedFernGrowscough) !!!
that "where the red fern grows" crap is such hog wash. i was asleep during that entire movie. woke up and for some reason my eyes looked watery. dont even remember what happens. so, back up.
paint the vanity white and put some girly knobs on it. i'm not a fan of that wood color furniture, i'm more of a distressed shabby chic girl. :-)
yeah, i thought about doing that. maybe one day... it needs to be refinished regardless. you can't really tell, but its got some major damage on the right side.
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